I read an article recently about getting to that “next level” of fitness by pushing your limits. I know there are many of these types of articles – it pointed out that our brains are indeed attached to our bodies (of course!) and what we think can have a big influence on how hard we work(out). So if we think we only have 10 more seconds in our plank, we’ll be almost ready to quit. But if we think we have another minute, we can really do it. So the trick to getting stronger is to ignore your body’s messages that it’s tired or ready to quit and WILL yourself to do more!
This is true. I suspect it’s evolutionary – fight or flight. If being chased by a (insert scary carnivorous wild animal here), I sure hope my body can push past its normal limits!
But just because you CAN doesn’t mean you should. Think about this and apply that rule to other basic parts life for a second. Sleeping – I’m tired, but I know I CAN stay up three more hours. Eating – I’m hungry, but I know I can push past it until dinner. I’m full, but I know I can have just one more wafer thin mint…
So once in a while, probably no big deal. But why do you think our bodies feel those limits of fatigue, hunger, or pain? Probably because your body is trying to tell you something. I think the problem with our routines is that we too often DON’T LISTEN to our bodies. Just as your brain is attached to your body, your body is attached to your brain – can’t have one without the other!
So before you PUSH IT! Listen for a minute to that body. It might be smarter than you think!