New classes in 2016!


At LightSpace, we are dedicated to helping our clients find energetic balance.  You walk in the door feeling worn down, tired, and slouching….you walk out feeling happier, brighter, and lighter!  

Well here are two new classes for 2016 to help you find that flow – and to have a great time while you’re doing it!

Reformer Bounce – Saturdays at 8 am: This new hybrid combines our traditional Group Reformer class with the many health benefits of the Rebounder (trampoline). These benefits include stimulation of the internal organs and improved circulation of all fluids in the body – boosting immunity and overall health.  Rebounders also can increase agility and improve balance. It is rejuvenating, gentle on the joints, and just plain fun!

Qigong – Mondays at 7 pm: Allison Ward and Beth Milligan teach a series of Qigong movements called Gift of the Tao I.  These movements were developed over a 15 year period by Qigong Master Michael Lomax and are reflections of High Level energy patterns as seen on the higher vibratory planes of existence. These movements are designed to physically and energetically open the energy gates of the body and raise a student’s energy body vibration.