Six weeks. That’s the magic date. Six weeks for your postpartum checkup; six weeks for working out, six weeks for – Ahm – other things to take place.
Six weeks compared to 40 weeks; 39 and two days in my case. Doesn’t seem too long, right? Six weeks to heal after a super traumatic experience your body went through. I never thought I’d been ready to work out in six weeks in those days right after I gave birth. But, lo and behold, I was ready to go before that!
Since I was so active while I was pregnant and doing Pilates the same week I went into labor, I was up and going for walks a couple days after we got home. Were they slow? Yep! Did we walk far? Nope! Did I feel like I constantly had to pee? You betcha! But it was so good to be outside, and for me and Eloise to get some fresh air.
I had talked to my doctor before leaving the hospital about when I could get back into Pilates. Her answer: listen to your body and start slow. So important! I started with pelvic curls and went from there. Some days I would just wake up my pelvic floor with a few basic internal movements. Other days if I felt especially adventurous I would add in a plank, which I tried for the first timeĀ about four weeks postpartum. Other days I didn’t get a chance. And these were no serious planks; we’re talking only 15 seconds! But I continued to practice my Pilates movements. Whenever I could. When I got back to the studio I did all the movements I’d been missing; footwork, legs in straps, short spine, long spine. It was awesome to be back in the Pilates game!
Five months in, 20 weeks later, I set a goal to be active every day as well as integrate some Pilates matwork any way I can. I don’t have much time, but I’m back to roll-ups, roll-downs, teaser, side-laying legs, bridging, and now I’m up to one minute planks! I didn’t get here quickly and I’m not back to my old ways full force but my body feels good and that’s what is important!