You see it everyday. People staring down at their smart phones seemingly unaware of what’s going on around them, much less what’s happening to their posture. More and more medical experts (as well as Pilates instructors) are seeing this as a big problem – and according to researchers from this Washington Post Article it’s even considered an epidemic.
‘Text neck’ is becoming an ‘epidemic’ and could wreck your spine
Imagine carrying an 8 year-old around your neck for a few hours everyday. That’s about 60 pounds, and that’s the additional weight you put on your spine when you look down at your phone with a 60 degree angle in your neck. Ouch!
This can have a ripple effect on the body, affecting the posture not only with the head and neck but with the entire spine all the way down to the tailbone. A healthy spine has two curves that act as “shock absorbers” for the body, one curve is in the cervical spine (your neck) and the other is in the lumbar spine (your lower back). If one is “off” or out of alignment, it can affect the other curve too. Meaning, losing that curve in your neck by looking down at your phone (with that additional 60 pounds) can cause problems in your neck AND in your lower back.
At LightSpace, we believe that optimal posture for the ENTIRE body is important to a happy, healthy, and balanced body – mind – spirit. This means from your head/neck all the way down to your toes. So instead of letting this article freak you out (it was startling to us too!), stop into the studio and and let us help you correct your posture for healthier and more efficient movement in every aspect of your life.