(773) 661-2504

What is Post-Rehab…? Part 2!

If you missed part 1 of this series defining “post-rehab” check it out here: https://lightspacechicago.com/2018/12/what-the-heck-does-post-rehab-mean-anyway/ So….how long does “post-rehab” last? That depends entirely on your goals! If your goal is to go back to doing the same activities that you were doing pre-injury, there are…

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Amazing spinal articulation!

Check out this video of instructor Priscilla Alvarez doing Rollover on the Reformer! It is an advanced move that requires lumbar-pelvis stability as well as shoulder stability….and feels amazing on the spine when done correctly. Ask your instructor to show you how during your…

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What is Clinical Qigong?

At LightSpace we offer Clinical Qigong treatments to restore BOTH the physical and energetic body, as well as overall health and wellness, and increased energy or Qi flow. Clinical Qigong uses the same points and channels used in Acupuncture, but without the use of needles.Clinical Qigong, or Taoist Neuro-Energetic Therapeutics, is the therapeutic…

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